Article Series

Articles for Today's HR and Training Professionals

CoreComm Case Study 1: My Career Stopped

Japanese IT Company

On the first day of the class, Tanaka-san sat at the table with his arms crossed a sharp frown.

He was asked, “Is communicating in English difficult?” “Yes, I don’t like it”. He was asked “Why?” The student said English vocabulary was difficult to remember, grammar was difficult and he couldn’t think in English, translating all the time was too troublesome! In addition, because of this, he couldn’t communicate well, he couldn’t improve his TOEIC™ score and so his career had stopped.

He then took the CoreComm course and his situation changed.


On the last day, at the end of class, Tanaka-san came up to say good-bye to the trainer. He then shook the trainer’s hand, and would not stop shaking his hand. Tanaka-san said “Thank you, thank you so much. Last night, I experienced Japanese like a foreign language. I walked through my office, but I couldn’t understand my colleagues speaking Japanese. For the first time, I actually started thinking in English. Japanese was a foreign language to me- I've never experienced that before. Thank you."

"My whole life, my Japanese English teachers and my foreign English teachers said the same thing ‘Think in English, think in English’. But I didn’t know how. But now, I can do, I can think in English. Thank you” The trainer saw tears in Tanaka-san’s eyes. Tears of joy and confidence.

He said that he could now think directly in English. This made using English much easier for him. He also said the he now had the communication skills to talk to others more confidently and that he could re-start his career.

For a free consultation on how your organization can start to develop a focused and measured training program, delivering the benefits you need now, contact CoreComm Learning Systems today.


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